Welcome to the world of The Spiritual Scientist
I would like to welcome you to my site and my world.
My mission as an educator, scientist, author and meditation teacher is to help everyone understand the concept of energy! By understanding that we are all energy, it will be easier for you to balance your own.
I am the bridge between both worlds: the spiritual and the scientific. Coming from a scientific background, I hope, by explaining the concepts of energy, I can convince you about the importance of spiritual practices and how you can achieve optimal health for your mind, body and soul by implementing these concepts in your day-to-day life.
My new book - The Spiritual Scientist - Bridging the gap between science and spirituality will help you learn how to balance your energy by understanding the scientific aspects and incorporating spiritual practices
This book is an easy-read guide to science and spirituality: both such diverse subjects, but strongly connected. In a way, it is like connecting left-brain thinking (logic, mathematics, science) with right-brain thinking (intuition, creativity, imagination). The main aim of this book is to bridge the gap between the physical concept of energy and the spiritual concept of energy. I will take you on a journey of discovery. As you begin reading, you will gain basic scientific knowledge that will be greatly enhanced as you work though the book. It will be like crossing a bridge – at each stage of the bridge you will gain another piece of knowledge; as you reach the end of it, your bag of knowledge will turn into a sack of useful information! You will gain a greater understanding regarding different spiritual practices and how important these are in maintaining a balanced well-being.
In this book, you will explore the science behind physical energy – with particular attention to the electromagnetic spectrum, vibrations and frequencies, light energy, how the human body works and the function of the brain. The spiritual concepts of energetic aura, the chakra system, balancing and restoring energy in your aura and the importance of mindfulness techniques will be explained to increase your knowledge of the spiritual concepts of energy. Spiritual practices include using crystals to balance and restore blocked chakras, essential oils and meditation to help with relaxation, and positive affirmations for increasing energetic vibration to connect with one’s energy and the energies of earth and all living beings.
The last chapter will bring all the knowledge together with a practical step-by-step guide. You will learn how to create a variety of meditation kits using essential oils, crystals and mindfulness techniques. For example, if you are feeling tired and stressed, you could create a soothing meditation kit with peppermint and lavender essential oils and green crystals.
10 major things you will accomplish in this book
1. Explore the meaning of energy in science
2. Understand energetic aura and how it works
3. Explore the human body and its systems
4. Recognise which chakras correspond to specific parts of the body
5. Learn techniques to balance and restore inactive or blocked chakras
6. Use crystals to heal and balance energy centres
7. Discover the use of essential oils
8. Learn about the structure and function of the brain
9. Use mindfulness techniques to overcome stress
10. Create your own meditation kit
How to use the book
I would recommend reading the book from beginning to end at least once. This is so you can understand the scientific and spiritual concepts of energy. You can refer to individual chapters where you need help on a particular practice or need more information on a specific topic.
The guided meditations, affirmations and activities throughout the book are to assist you and to ensure you fully understand each topic.
Preparation guidance for meditations
· Sit or lie down and make sure you are rested and feeling comfortable.
· It would be advisable to cover yourself with a blanket, because your body temperature drops during meditation.
· Wear loose clothing for comfort.
· Make sure you will not be disturbed – no mobile phones, TV or any other distractions.
As this book is a guide and self-help book for balancing your energy, you will have you own unique experience. You may wish to document your experiences in a journal as you go through the book.
ORDER your signed copy with FREE P&P by clicking here:
Book reviews
‘Science has not always been split from spirituality – there are many examples of notable scientists who had a deep connection to the spiritual side of life. In more recent years it has been much harder finding men and women of science who are willing to embrace the spiritual dimension. Maria is one of those great pioneering spirits who are stepping forward to heal this painful and artificial schism. The Spiritual Scientist is a much-needed book that bridges the artificial gap between science and spirituality. Most importantly, in this time of spiritual darkness, she helps the reader understand both scientific and spiritual notions of how energy works, which in turn helps restore a sense of faith in the Universe along with a greater experience of balance and harmony within their energy field.’ – Steve Ahnael Nobel, author, book mentor, coach, founder of Soul Matrix Healing (London, UK)
‘As a fellow scientist, Maria Afentakis has captured the heart and soul of Albert Einstein with great effect in this fascinating and informative book. Through Einstein’s ground breaking teachings and philosophical views, Maria offers the reader two bites of the cherry with a frank scientific explanation translated into a practical, accessible and elegant way for all to understand. The Spiritual Scientist beautifully marries together Einstein’s scientific and spiritual beliefs into the one common denominator: we are all energy.’ – Elizabeth Whiter, author of You Can Heal Your Pet and The Animal Healer (Hassocks, UK)
‘In her book, The Spiritual Scientist, Maria explains the connections of basic scientific principles and spiritual concepts of healing and energy from a degreed biochemist and neurologist’s point of view. Her book is unique in that she creates a bridge for the scientifically-minded person to acquire a foundational learning of spiritual energy and how to use it for healing purposes. A wonderful introduction for anyone who wishes to begin a spiritual practice of energy work.’ – Kris Seraphine-Oster, PhD, author, marketing strategist, business coach (Santa Barbara, USA)
To view a video book review by Kris on his Spiritual Loves Youtube channel click here:
For amazon book reviews and to purchase ebook version click here:
Following on from my book, I am super excited to introduce our beautiful set of 22 Positive Affirmation Meditation Cards to incorporate all the mindfulness techniques described in chapter 8 on page 151 - 'The brain and Mindfulness'
Let me remind you all about what is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is all about being in the present moment, connecting with the energies around you, enjoying life without being judgemental and reconnecting with the simpler things in life such as going for a walk-in nature, reading your favourite book and even just taking the time to rest, relax and recuperate. I call these the three Rs of mindfulness REST, RELAX AND RECUPERATE
A very famous quote by my favourite scientist Albert Einstein sold for a whooping 1.3 billion dollars which was written on a bit of paper - ‘A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness’ This resonates a lot with the meaning of mindfulness.
Ok, so what are the benefits of mindfulness?
Well, a lot of scientific research has been done on mindfulness therapies, and they have been proven to be beneficial in treating a range of situations and illnesses. Two big areas that this has helped includes mental health illnesses and in the immune system of multiple sclerosis patients. The scientific explanation is that when one practices mindfulness techniques, the neurochemistry of the brain changes and different neurotransmitters are released such as serotonin and dopamine due to a stimulus from a mindfulness technique such a meditation, breathing exercise and aromatherapy to promote calmness and tranquillity.
What are main benefits of mindfulness techniques?
Feeling calm even in stressful situations
Having more energy and enthusiasm
Reducing the risk of developing poor mental health which could lead to mental health illnesses
Being grateful for all you have
Having balance of energy in all areas of your life
Sleeping better
Living a peaceful life
Activating all your senses; sight, sound, smell, touch and taste
So, now you understand a bit more about the science and spiritual concepts of mindfulness, what are the different techniques:
Mindfulness Meditation incorporating breathing and grounding techniques
Visualisation techniques
Crystal healing
The use of positive affirmations
The three key aims of Spiritual Scientist daily affirmation cards are as follows
To positively empower yourself everyday
Overcome everyday stresses and concerns
Balance and restore your energy
Imagine that you're in complete control of your thoughts and emotions. That's what mindfulness is all about. And to enhance this experience, each card is a treasure trove of positivity, carefully crafted to guide your meditation journey towards inner harmony and wellbeing.
Each affirmation card will contain:
1. A key word for example Let's look at the BREATHING card!
2. The colour of the wording on the card represents a specific chakra - for the breathing card, the colour is blue and is associated with the throat chakra
3. Specific crystals and oils to help stimulate and connect with the throat chakra and our respiratory system during the meditation.
4. A positive affirmation – I am breathing, I am respiring, I am air - to connect the physical energy system (respiratory) with the chakra system (throat).
The word affirmation means to strengthen and fortify a specific word or phrase. A positive affirmation helps to disrupt negative thinking habits and build a new route in your brain for positive thoughts. Once you have created a positive thought pattern, this will affect your actions which will benefit in learning skills, succeed at work and improve your social relationships.
Whether you're new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, these cards are your personal guide to a deeper and more meaningful practice. And guess what?
On The Spiritual Scientist You-tube channel You are provide with a unique guided meditation videos that align perfectly with each Positive affirmation card. Let's take a sneak peek! Click here and Subscribe:
And now, the moment you've been waiting for! Our 22 Positive Affirmation Meditation Cards are available for just £22 and come in a nice box with bag, a crystal and a card holder for your daily positive affirmation card with FREE delivery. That's right – for the price of a few cups of coffee, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner peace.
Ordering is easy! Simply click the link below to get your hands on these positive affirmation card deck. Don't miss out on this opportunity to invest in your wellbeing!
Summary of the Chakra system with colours
1st Chakra - BROWN/RED - Root - chakra of grounding and connecting to the element of EARTH
2nd Chakra - ORANGE - Sacral - Chakra of creativity and birthing your dreams and connecting to the element of FIRE
3rd Chakra - Yellow - Solar plexus - Chakra of power, confidence and connecting to the element of FIRE
4th Chakra - Green - Heart - Chakra of love, healing and connecting to the element of WATER
5th Chakra - Blue - Throat - Chakra of communication and truth and connecting to the element of WATER
6th Chakra - Purple/violet - 3rd Eye - Chakra of intuiton, wisdon and connecting to the element of AIR
7th Chakra - Silver/white - Crown - Chakra of spirituality and connectiing to the element of AIR